Wednesday, December 17, 2008

11-20-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
11/20/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Training Room, New County Jail

The meeting was called to order by Laura Perry at 2:45pm following a tour of the new county jail facility.

1. Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees
Introductions – Present: Mike Cunningham, Phil Deleel, Laurel Golden, Bill Hunter, Marc Rusch, Pat Turbett, Helene Mellon, Rick Johnston, Jennifer French, Greg Stahl, and Laura Perry

WAN – connects to jail via Gouverneur Street. Enough Fiber for the Industrial Park too. New jail gets everything ready for the utilities of the new phone system.

2. Strategic Plan

Laura shared the strategic plan she worked on this past month. It was sent to all committee members to review. Looked specifically at each industry segment and put in general information.
She is looking for help to get specific information from different industries and groups (ie: libraries, medical).

Highlighted parts seem to be unnecessary? Laura left them to see if we have something that we want to substitute or should we just delete it? It was decided that it may require both.

Parts, in Sections 2, 3, and 4, need to be edited and submitted to Laura by December 10 so that she will have time to compile it and return it before the meeting.
• Jennifer and Helene will edit K-12 Education sections
• Phil D. will edit Healthcare
• Marc and Phil W. will edit business and industry
• Mike, Francine, and Rick J will work on Government
• Greg will work on the Higher Ed
• Laura will contact library folks to work on the library section
• Laurel will follow-up on the community based organizations
• Laura will contact the Cornell Cooperative Extension, USDA and/or soil and water for help with agricultural section
• The Chamber should be able to help with Tourism – Laura will contact Pat to obtain this information

First part of section 3 will need to get help from economic development or planning (business profile). May be on the website?

On the last page is a list of questions, things to include in the plan perhaps? (ie: need to change culture attitude toward technology). Check out the list of questions on the back page and see where they may fit.

3. Old Business
a. Newton Falls Broadband Project Status
Laura met with Tom, Steve McBathe, and
Ran into issues with poles for transmission lines. They agreed to do double guying (extra supports). This makes the National Grid poles more sturdy because they were currently not in compliance. Tom is going to National Grid to discuss cost sharing since National Grid will have to do something anyway. The funding will be there.
How are they functioning? The T-1 has been a bit more stable. The local Verizon folks have been helpful to make things more reliable. The parent company is vested in improving the telecom for VoIP and the hosted application. The business is going strong and bottom line is improving. The downturn in the economy will actually help them. They are creating the paper for the Obama book. Target date: Tom is still hopeful for the end of the year if National Grid clearance is gained.

b. 2009 Budget Request for Tribal Compact Revenue
Originally $90K proposal was submitted to fund future projects. SLCIT questioned how it was accepted. The meeting of the legislature resulted in our committee getting $10K for strategic planning endeavors for 2009. It is believed that broadband had a great cost/benefit for economic development.

c. St. Lawrence County IT Director
There is still not an IT Director in the budget proposal. Next week is a meeting that may lead to the position going into the budget. This topic is still unknown.

4. New Business:
Broadband Over Powerline
Phil D. shared an article to the group via email. Phil is trying to find someone to further discuss this to learn more about this subject. Perhaps a company like Massena Electric might be able to pilot this. Marc shared that the transformers must be bypassed to make this happen. Phil will try to share more information in December. Pat thought NYPA might be interested in the project.

A discussion pursued about different models: ie – fiber to electric (no need to have repeaters)

Questions & Discussion
It was recommended that someone from the SLCIT committee should attend the county legislature meetings. It could be one person or it could rotate. This would benefit public relations.

Marc mentioned that as the economy has dropped there has been more discussion about public works projects. He suggested we work out our plan so if monies become availably nationally to support broadband. We may be able to partner with an electric company? There no straight business case for any plan but we need to be prepared to capitalize in any direction (fiber, wireless, electric….). For St. Lawrence County there is no one answer to get broadband out. Perhaps we need to create a clearinghouse of all possibilities. Marc also suggested that we need to have discussions with the towns since the village and town highway departments may be willing to help. Maybe this committee can help create this framework. Need to educate the towns on what they can do and the fact that the work may not be profitable.

New Visions in Syracuse – press releases show development of 3 suburbs. Curious how they are doing? Are they moving forward? Laura offered to gather information from them.

Laura spoke with someone at Ridgeview Tel Wireless. They are reconsidering coming back to SLC.

Phil D. spoke of a conference he attended by Verizon “A Wireless Broadband And Emergency Preparedness Seminar” – Verizon is working on upgrading their cell towers. EVDO is working in many areas.

Action Items for Next Meeting
Chart path for 2009
Continue work on Strategic Plan

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 18, 2008

The meeting adjourned at 415: PM.

Minutes submitted by Jennifer French.

Meeting Agenda 12_18_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
12/18/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Board of Legislators Chambers

1. Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

2. Strategic Plan

3. Old Business
a. St. Lawrence County IT Director

4. New Business:
a. Wireless Technology Discussion - Phil Wagschal
b. 2009
• Meeting Schedule
• Committee Organization
• Work Plan
• Other?

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting: TBA

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meeting Agenda 11_20_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
11/20/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Location: Training Room, New County Jail

1. Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

2. Strategic Plan

3. Old Business
a. Newton Falls Broadband Project Status
b. 2009 Budget Request for Tribal Compact Revenue
c. St. Lawrence County IT Director

4. New Business:
Broadband Over Powerline

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 18, 2008

10_23_2008 Meeting Minutes


Thursday, October 23, 2008 – 2:00 PM
Legislative Chamber

Present: Patrick Turbett, Laura Perry, Jon Montan, Wade Davis, Mike Morgan, Mark Rusch, Phil Deleel, Phil Wagschal, Jennifer French, Carrie Tuttle, Tom Sauter

1. The meeting was called to order by L. Perry at 2:00 PM.

2. L. Perry informed the members that Bill Hunter from Star Lake would be joining the committee.

3. L. Perry updated the committee on the request to the Legislature for Tribal Compact Revenue. The IT Committee had requested funds to support mapping, outreach efforts, and matching funds for other grants. A different county legislature committee — Economic Development — has apparently disregarded the IT Committee’s request and forwarded its own proposal to develop telecom infrastructure at OBPA commerce park, and to match the funds that the St. Lawrence Chamber of Commerce received from Senator Clinton.

W. Davis confirmed the discussion of the Economic Development Committee, as he sits on that committee, as well.

Committee members expressed concern that their input was being brushed aside, and requested that the members of the Economic Development Committee participate in the IT Committee discussion. Further, L. Perry was directed to prepare a letter to the legislature, indicating the Committee’s desire to utilize the Tribal Compact Revenue to implement the IT Committee’s strategic plan. L. Perry indicated she would draft the letter to the legislature, and circulate it for comment. She also indicated she would keep the committee posted on the legislature’s deliberations.

4. L. Perry and P. Turbutt informed the committee of the legislature’s discussions about potential staff cuts, including the position of IT Director. L. Perry was again directed to prepare a letter to the legislature expressing the committee’s strong support for the IT Director position.

5. The committee reviewed the current draft Strategic Plan. L. Perry has modeled it after the Meade County plan. L. Perry asked for comments from the committee. Future drafts need to reflect the needs of different constituencies (business, residents, community) and the plan should have enough detail to prioritize projects. L. Perry will continue editing the Strategic Plan document.

6. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted:

Thomas R. Sauter

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wrap Up

What went well
What should change
· Mixing of tables and categories
· Open exchange of thoughts worked well
· Format of questions
· Questions available before hand
· Did not waste the day
· More meetings, more times – afternoon or evening
· More business participations
· College involvement – students – how do we keep them
· Other for-profit businesses
· Agricultural involvement
· Include state-level representation
· Annual IT summit
· Coordination between different groups

Other thoughts
· Who is going to make the plan happen?
· Village and town endorsement
· Highlight towns, schools that are doing well with technology
· Market and advertise the plan – radio, print and tv
· County Facebook page?
· Hold “mixers” around the county to get IT & business people talking to each other
· Attend other meetings that are already scheduled
· Section of county webpage set aside on for the committee

LJP Notes:
Training for business to consider capital investments in technology
Provide capital (low interest or no interest financing) for investments in technology
IT Services to local municipalities – desktop, LAN, WAN support, other ‘shared’ requirements like microfilming & scanning
County serve as a clearing house for IT resources – human resources, training services, hardware & software, infrastructure, etc.

Locate a mechanism to gather a more comprehensive picture of service availability in SLC
Identify Quality Control mechanism for results received

Strategic Planning Sessions notes, sessions V

If there were no limitations, what would be the ideal environment for you or your organization to operate in?
· Access, Hardware, Training
o Everyone with a computer, training and access
· Wireless Blimp
· Fiber infrastructure across the county
o Everyhouse hold with computer and broadband
· Keep talent local
o Perhaps subsidize business to keep technicians available
· More help from the universities
o More resources
· Computer literacy volunteers
· Database of health information
o Electronic records tied to biometric data, shared between providers and hospitals
· County-wide cell and wifi
· Centralized recordkeeping for county – online and secure
· Fair competition for purchasing of government equipment
· Live broadcast of all public meetings
· IT staff with continuity
· Common technology level across all towns and villages
· Greater coordination of county and town governments
· No taxes!
· Leadership at the county level that promote s the value of technology
· VTC of conference and workshops
· Limit government regulations
· Consistent infrastructure
· High-speed rail
· Uniform web services across government entities
· Highly attractive for telecommuters
· All businesses provide online services
· Financial incentives to residents to conduct business online
· Technology a basic way of communications
· Training coupled with job opportunities to keep youth in county
· Build trust for telecommuting
· School collaboration with VTC
· VTC to home-bound students
· County “yellow-pages” for businesses
· County hosting directory
· Last mile treated as a public utility
· Stimulate private investment in last mile by providing an open access cable infrastructure
· Face-to-Face consultations virtually
o Localized VTC facilities
· Email tax bills

Strategic Planning Sessions notes, sessions IV

What role do you see St Lawrence County government taking to address some of the challenges or limitations identified earlier? Share ideas on specific actions you feel the county should take.
· Basic computer training
o Broker/Coordinate/provide information for – one stop shop?
o Finding grants to help fund training
o Clearinghouse for knowledge of available
o Computer Literacy volunteers?
· Shared services
o County and IT department loan resources to towns and villages
o Economy of scale
o Clearinghouse of info for local towns to coordinate laws, rules and regulations and information portal for residents
o Loaning of seldom use but needed specialized equipment (plotter, scanner etc.)
· Coordinating grants from multiple sources – coordinate local grant availability with county efforts
· County Technology plan and share with localities (not reinvent the wheel)
· Get into the mindset that we are all in this together *break down barriers
· Open up and facilitate communication better among various organizations
o Look for other working sessions
o Prevent duplication of effort among communities
o Adirondack Association of Towns and Villages
§ #1 issue is Broadband
o County reach beyond borders to facilitate shared services
o Email updates
o County Development newsletter
· Grant writing assistance
· County leveraging or enticing expansion of broadband in underserved areas.
· Supporting education and training programs for technology
o Clearinghouse for IT specific training in county
· County work closely with the Chamber of commerce to make sure they are linked in with technology developments
· County to be more aggressive in getting funding for projects
· Ensure the money is properly spent
o Metrics and accountability
· A point person in county government to work with towns and villages to on technology
o County take a leadership role
· IT needs a priority, not an add-on
o Same level as roads and bridges
· Boilerplate concept
o How to handle situations in towns
§ Antennae on water tank example
· Commonality in websites from County, town and village
o Common look, feel, and navigation
· Independent IT resource provided by the county to help the towns, villages, etc.
o Include presence at board meetings
· Shared service
o E-government functions
§ Tax, water, sewer
§ Assist municipalities who can’t do it on their own
· Website – one shared hosted site
· Keeping an eye on new technologies and disseminate information to local governments
o Village of Canton – what’s in it for us?
· Public health database
o Help focus county health providers
· County coordinate and make resources available
· Providing an education function
· Facilitate better use of DANC resources in schools
· Making broadband universally available
o Surcharge based funding (example 911)
· County coordinate buying of technology
o Economy of scale
o Cooperative bidding
· Market research on behalf of ISP to find out what the actual demand is and provide to them to extend service
· All the schools send out census surveys – encourage them to ask about internet access

Strategic Planning Sessions notes, sessions III

3. How is your organization limited by what you have access to? What is the workaround you’ve adopted because of it?
· All methods should be used
o Diverse numbers of methods (no one size fits all) – including emerging technologies
· Cell coverage is an issue (public health nurses can’t connect directly)
o Enter data offline
o Dialup (sometimes client phones)
· Residents do all work over the phone (limited use of the the Internet). Online is not an option
· Students don’t always have access to high-speed Internet (limits the amount and type of online materials)
· Govt regulations inhibit access (HIPAA) – cannot use unsecured wireless for transmission of data
· Tech support – No one can afford what they need
· Solution – shared services at the county level may help (web site and technical support to the towns – the BOCES model)
· Nice to have a pool of specialty resources (network engineering, applications programmers, etc)
· Training – time spent in training pulls them aware from the work that needs to be done
· Manual to Automation – the time and money it takes to make the transition is not attainable.
· Capital – having the income to invest in the technology and applications
· Work Around – utilization of open source software to build application s to run the organization as an alternative to off the shelf applications. Single platform can cover many aspects of the business.
· Organizations within the area do not have support , even if the money is available the skills may not exist to implement the technology. Reliant on out of county resources.
· Funding issues – example – there is money for the technology but not funding for the staff to utilize the technology (libraries)
· Intial funding is easier to obtain then ongoing maintenance costs
· Employee resistance to use technology
· Inequity of service in the county based on location and rural areas
· Shared services – smaller municipalities don’t have the funds for expensive technology items, but could use them if available
· Desire by business to use local providers and consultants, but the availability isn’t keeping up with expanding use of technology.
· Young professionals are not willing to move to areas where they can’t get cell phone and Internet access – limits the labor pool and makes retention difficult
· In the past, cabling was limiting. Now that connectivity is in place software programs are not communicating well. Integration of software packages is a limiting fact
· Industry needs to work together locally to get integration
· Home Internet access limits the ability of gov and schools from providing information to residents
· Continuing education – can’t do it locally (provide it) so people are going out of the area. Limited connectivity counters online courses
· Lack of cell coverage limits the ability of employees to get alarms (network etc). Can’t get alarms unless they are home. Must stay home when on call.
· Not enough money for staff to maintain the systems
· Slow phasing is an approach to implementing technology to save on costs
· Flexible plans that allow changing of priorities
· Implementing technology programs in school – teacher education is an issue -
o Peer training can be used to increase usage
· Not getting voicemail, mobile workers not possible
· Physical limitation for PC (library)
· Small business need a technology plan
o Avoid re-active technology implementation
· Elevating IT within the organization – it’s evolved and needs to be more of a focus
· Need for hosted services – small businesses need the technology, but can’t afford a technology staff
· Forum for understanding best practices for small business – shared services, what can & can’t be collaborative
· Education & facilitation for technology use
· Remote areas have no access to cell or broadband – public safety issue
· Seasonal areas – seasonal residents expect services, may go elsewhere to get them.
· End user equity issues
· Lack of consistent infrastructure – difficult for businesses
· Lack of willingness to share infrastructure
· Confusion of who owns data (govt and towns)
o Look to other areas in the state and how they address their issues
· Inertia – where to begin
· Provide and enhance consistency and communication
o Leadership

Strategic Planning Sessions notes, sessions I & II

What are some positive things you/your organization are doing with technology and what resources do you utilize to make it happen?
· Fiber connectivity between branches
· Data voice convergence
· Wifi in buildings
· City wide wifi projects
· Customer service increase with technology mobility/email
· Video Conferencing extensive use
· Healthcare – communications between patients/physician/order entry electronic medical records
· Bar code scanning for supply management
· More us in daily business practices
· Work at home opportunities – reducing increasing utility costs
o Nicholville, Kinney
· Website communication to parents from schools
o Lunch money entered online – with tracking
· Distance learning opportunities
o Saving on travel – virtual field trips
o 98% of Canton College involve technology
· VOIP to Bosnia
· Moving towards paperless – state reporting is electronic
· 4 day work week (work at home)
· Economic development (teleconferencing)
· Connect through the D of Labor
· Kinney has redundant connectivity to all buildings
· Electronic access to library databases (state provided)
· Chamber of Commerce –
o Increase small business with online ordering/marketing
· Tax collection on line (piercefield)
· Electronic reservations for state parks
· Massena and United helpers
o Communication open with other hospitals and providers
o Consultation with experts
o Centralized management for UH (business processes)
· Town of Stockholm
o DSL from Nicholville
o Resource for residents
· Northbay
o Able to be located here based on communication connectivity
o Business paperwork all online
· Remotely connecting to other companies and doing work on line – moving to VOIP
· Home based employees
· Rotating regional programs for health programs (dental hygiene)
o JCC and Broome CC
· School is the hub of access for Clifton-fine community
o Distance learning programs
· Free internet access at Libraries
· St Lawrence – web based systems for students and administration
· Webcasting of video
· Tying together disperse organizations (intra and inter)
· Remote monitoring of devices (DANC)
· Backup data outside of the area (online backups)
· Ability to change the way we work,live and get information
· Real property – PDF online of taxrolls
· Wireless courtroom
· High School VTC
· Extensive offering of online course – flexible learning options
· Video Conferencing international faculty and students

2. Overall, what are your organizations biggest challenges?
· Cultural challenge of technology
o Resistance of providing information (public record)
o Can lead to a lack of financial support
· Organization leadership is not there to use technology to be productive (technology enhance productivity)
· Customers and end users lack knowledge to use technology
o Need critical thinking skills training
· Students that are not successful in High School are lacking IT skills (and they stay in area)
· Value of the technology needs awareness (investment)
· Fuel Costs
· Remote Geography
· Employee recruitment (finding nearby)
· Population decline (infrastructure may be geared towards higher numbers)
· Taxes and cost of doing business in NYS (residential, business, licensing)
· Employee retention
o Especially in the IT sector
· Ability to maintain the technology they have
o Old technology - finding money for refreshing technology
· Building an interactive website and associated security (small business challenge)
· Employees access private business systems (terminal server or VPN) ability of the system to allow remote access
· Education
o In Clifton – most residents don’t have access at home – leads to abuse at school (email, web, etc)
o Parents are “scared” of the Internet
· Quality services for technical components
o Resources aren’t in the area (can’t find qualified service)
· Lack of access to skilled labor
o Technical skill backgrounds (healthcare) specialists
· Population density
· Duplication of infrastructure (shared skilled labor and infrastructure)
o Every town has the same personnel and software
· Dependent on roads for transportation
· Lack of access to an airport
· Lack of physical space (increase in record keeping requirements)
o Offsets space for personnel
· Staff resistance to adopting to new technologies
· Businesses needed to be willing to partner with others in the IT area
o Newton Falls – money to assist also benefitted the community
o CPH has a large fiber backbone to other hospitals – restricted to medical purposes only (grant stipulation) – wastes excess capacity
· Lack of training (needed) for IT users
· Access at home impacts the ability to do work or school at home
· HIPAA regulations – balance access and security
· Employee retention and recruitment, keeping people in area (graduates)
· Services at the county and state level are lacking (airports)
o Centralizing systems
· Lack of cell phone coverage
o Keeping in touch with people
o Need to provide basic services for business development
o Making sure expectations are met when business choose to locate here
· Challenges on who takes the lead on initiatives (government or private industry)
· Govt can hold back private industry from doing it’s own thing
· Private industry may “skim the cream” and leave out underserved areas
· Access to broadband across county and how to serve all communities
· Privacy issues concerning amount of data available on Internet

08-28-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
August 28, 2008, 2pm
Location: Human Service Conference Room, Canton, NY

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

No minutes to approve from the July 24, 2008 meeting (strategic planning event).

1) Pat McKeown, Executive Director of the St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce provided a description of the current plan to use the broadband grant funding received from Senator Clinton. She described the funding source as having a broad goal of improving broadband access to unserved and underserved areas of St. Lawrence County and it is to be used for economic development purposes. The amount of the grant is $196,000 and it is being run through HUD (US Dept of Housing and Urban Development). Ms. McKeown explained that she sought the input of private providers, DANC, SLC Planning Dept and the IT Committee in preparing this plan.

The plan is for the Chamber to partner with DANC, to utilize its existing fiber backbone and to target three communities, those being (1) Hammond/Morristown, (2) Lisbon/Waddington, (3) Norfolk/Lousiville/Brasher. The Chamber will issue an RFP in the winter 2009 which will invite all providers with preference given to local providers, to provide a proposal to provide service to the target communities. The grant will provide matching funds to aid the providers in their proposal to deliver service.

Beyond the ‘who’ and the ‘where’, Ms. McKeown admitted that not much detail on the ‘how’ has been worked through yet. The committee offered suggestions on items to include in the RFP designed to help ensure the end product they are seeking, namely the desire of providing cost competitive universal broadband services to residents and businesses alike. The chamber should take measures to ensure the funding is used to get access for the customers that are costly for providers to serve, and to avoid crème skimming as has been the criticism of such efforts in the past. Laura is to provide those suggestions to Pat in a follow up email. A suggestion was made that if the Chamber’s model is successful, the committee may seek additional funds which could be used in additional communities.

2) Laura mentioned the opportunity with the Shared Services Grant offered by NYS. Several opportunities were identified where the County can serve as a service provider or a central clearinghouse for services at the local municipalities. The Shared Services Grant may be an opportunity to initiate this effort. Carrie Tuttle mentioned a tight time frame for getting local municipalities to commit and to prepare applications. A short list of some of the opportunities include: web services, tech support services/LAN, equipment sharing, equipment purchasing, data backup and storage, and data imaging. Carrie Tuttle also mentioned other possible sources of funding including NYS Archives. Committee should check in with Patty Richie.

3) Laura mentioned the Fort Drum Regional Planning effort and their North Country Telemedicine Project. Two of SLC’s hospitals were left out of the network, Massena Memorial Hospital and Claxton Hepburn, because of their physical distance from Fort Drum. It is thought that if the hospitals are interested in joining the effort, that there may be an opportunity at the Federal level for funding. Phil Deleel was to check into Claxton’s interest in the project. Laura is to contact Massena Memorial to find out if they are interested. Also, Laura is to speak with the director of the Fort Drum organization to see if she can offer assistance.

Pat Turbett offered that NYS Department of Health representative visits SLC each month and may offer some suggestions on funding opportunities for such an effort. His name is Peter Galeriesy and Pat will check to see if he could attend a future meeting to offer some advice.

3) As a suggestion from the legislature, the committee is asked to pass on to the Web Site Committee/Ruth Doyle to enable the new SLC site with a listing of County employee salaries, similar to what is available on The thought is that this information is FOIL’able, and we should be proactive in providing it before we receive a request for it. Laura will pass this on to Ruth.

4) Finally, Laura led a brief discussion on next steps with the strategic planning effort and a preparing a budget request for 2009. Budgets are currently being prepared and we should put a request in now for any projects the committee would like to undertake in 2009. Those present offered suggestions on requesting funds to finalize the strategic planning effort, funds for the NYS grants we have discussed, and for the mapping effort. Jon Montan cautioned the group to identify more clearly the objectives for the mapping project so that there is a useful outcome.

Members present discussed the status of the strategic planning event. It was recommended that the worksheets from the event be distributed to all members of the committee for their review. It was recommended that we focus September’s meeting as a working session to summarize and identify the outcomes of all inputs. The goal felt it important to finalize this effort by end of 2008. Laura will circulate to the committee and highlight the collective effort in September to summarize the data.

There was also a discussion about revitalizing meeting attendance. Laura will distribute a meeting schedule for the remainder of the year, and invite possible new committee members to join the effort.

Meeting Agenda 08_28_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
8/28/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
2nd fl conf room, Human Services Building, Canton, New York

Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees
No minutes to accept because of the strategic planning session in July

Subcommittee Reports:
G1 - Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
Review strategic planning session findings and outcomes
G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas

G3 - Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives
Clinton Broadband Grant
NYS Consolidation Grants
Fort Drum Regional Telemedicine Grant, Federal Grant

G4 - SLC Government Technology Projects
List on new County website all County employees salary information, ask P Turbett for State wide example
Committee is being asked to provide input on County’s current IT structure, operations, and duties/responsibilities as it considers restructuring/consolidation of IT functions, Volunteers? Meeting 9/4 @ 4pm in BOL Chambers

4. New Business:
New Visions

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

07-03-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
July 3, 2008, 2pm
Location: Board of Legislators’ Chambers Canton, NY

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

Attendees discussed details related to the upcoming strategic planning event.
  • The group clarified that the effort of the strategic planning process was going to carry the title of Strategic Plan for Information Technology in SLC, which is broader than the more narrow description of ‘Universal Broadband Coverage’. Universal Broadband is a part of the larger effort of addressing use of Information Technology.
  • Kevin Lynch provided an overview of the agenda of the strategic planning day.
  • Meeting attendees finalized questions that will be posed to attendees.
  • Committee members are asked to register for the event through the CITEC website.
  • Committee members will help facilitate the small group discussions. The strategic planning committee will finalize wording of questions and draft worksheets which will guide committee members in their discussions.
  • Meeting attendees provided input and ideas on the way the day would be conducted. Considerable changes were made to the way the day will be conducted. Valuable input was received by all.
  • It was learned that Joe Demart is no longer at Newton Falls Paper Mill. It was suggested that LJP contact Steve McBath, Newton Falls IT Director in Joe’s place. LJP agreed.
  • LJP reported that she was working on finalizing the report from the survey and would be presenting findings at the strategic planning day.
  • The strategic planning committee made plans to meet a couple more times prior to the event to finalize details.

The next full committee will be the Strategic Planning Day on 7/28/08 at the Barben Rooms, at Clarkson University.

Meeting adjourned.

Meeting Agenda 07_03_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
7/3/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Board of Legislators’ Chambers, Canton, New York

Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

Review/accept minutes from 5/22/08 meeting

Subcommittee Reports:
G1 - Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
  • Current Registrant List
  • Review of Event Agenda
  • Review role of committee members
  • Prepare workshop materials

G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas

  • No report
  • Map revisions to be completed with J Montan/L Perry/??
  • Survey responses to be analyzed P Turbett/L Perry/??
  • Final survey report to be prepared

G3 - Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives

G4 - SLC Government Technology Projects

New Business:

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting:

Meeting Agenda 05_22_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
5/22/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
2nd Fl Conference Room, Public Safety Building, Canton, New York

Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

Review/accept minutes from 4/27/08 meeting

Subcommittee Reports:
G1 - Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
Status of strategic planning event; i.e. invite letter, invitee list, new date, format

G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas
J Montan L Perry to report on survey submissions and map update

G3 - Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives
Update on Newton Falls proj.

G4 - SLC Government Technology Projects

New Business:
  • Discussion of status of new service deployments in SLC and role of local community in that process (see newspaper article attached)
  • Local Government Conference, SUNY Potsdam, Oct 14, 2008

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting:

Meeting Agenda 03_27_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
3/27/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Claxton Hepburn Hospital, Ogdensburg, New York
(driving directions forthcoming)

1) 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CEO, Claxton Hepburn to speak on the challenges faced by the
administrator of a small rural hospital with regards to technology
Mayor or City Manager of Ogdensburg to address some of the long and short term goals the city is facing with regards to wireless technology and some of the uses they have in mind

2) 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Full Committee to convene

a. Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

b. Review/accept minutes from 2/28/08 meeting

c. Subcommittee Reports:
G1 - Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas
G3 - Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives
G4 - SLC Government Technology Projects

Old Business:

New Business:

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting: April 27th, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Massena Central School, chaired by Francine Perretta

Meeting Agenda 02_28_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
2/28/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority, Ogdensburg, New York
(driving directions forthcoming)

1) 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Subcommittee’s will meet

2) 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Full Committee to convene

a. Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

b. Review/accept minutes from 1/24/07 meeting

c. Subcommittee Reports:
G1 - Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas
G3 - Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives
G4 - SLC Government Technology Projects

Old Business:

New Business:
Review of County’s Computer Hardware Procurement Policy
Review of WavHost’s request for attachment at the County’s transfer station

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting: March 27, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Claxton Hepburn Hospital, Ogd.

05-22-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
May 22, 2008, 2pm
Location:2nd Fl Conf Rm, Public Safety Bldg, Canton, NY

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

Attendees discussed details related to the upcoming strategic planning event.
  • The group decided to include 70-80 attendees total for this initial event.
  • The event will be July 24, 9am – 4pm.
  • The group decided there would be a facilitator for each of the sessions, provided by members of the committee.
  • Committee members were asked to forward addresses to Kevin Lynch of potentially interested attendees of our workshop. Deadline June 3rd.
  • The following industry sectors were mentioned:
    Small Business – LJP to contact Chamber representatives, Brenda Thornton, Pat McGowen
    Higher Education – G Stahl to forward info
    K-12 Education – H Mellon to forward
    Hospitals – P Deleel to forward
    Agriculture – LJP to contact Cornell Coop Ext
    Local Gov – LJP to get list
    Industry – LJP to ask Wade Davis for contact list
    NNY Library – LJP to forward contact
    Community Service Organization – ex.) Leave a Legacy Foundation, LJP to forward fuel assistance partner org contacts
    Media –
    Carriers -
  • LJP suggested that CITEC be approached to provide registration services, committee agreed to pursue
  • The committee discussed ideas regarding the Opening Session. The group talked about Joe Demart offering some opening comments, as well as LJP offering some comments to demonstrate the work of the committee, the results of the survey, and the role of the participants of the workshop.

Laura Perry and Rick Johnson provided a presentation of the Broadband Survey Map. The group offered suggestions for changes in presentation. Suggestions included turning off town roads, including a population gradiant component and questions about how it would be posted on-line.

Under New Business LJP brought up the issue of communities dealing with private carriers in negotiating use of municipal facilities. Referencing an article (see attached) that mentioned the departure of a prospective company as a result of perceived anti-business tactics of the local communities. The group discussed whether or not the committee had a role in aiding local communities in dealing with this issue. It was the consensus of the group that the committee should play a role, and it was decided that it should look into ways other communities have dealt with this issue. It was suggested that we locate agreements that other municipalities have used successfully in negotiating arrangements. Ideas for sources that were noted were Connect Kentucky, NYSAC, Planning Board, Ontario County’s Broadband Coalition. Some of the items these agreements should deal with are: deliverables for the carrier, revenue, exclusivity, spectrum, and time line.

LJP discussed the fact that she was invited to speak at the local gov conf in Oct ’08. The committee agreed that a presentation on some recommendations for negotiating with carriers would be an appropriate focus for the discussion. Research and discussion on this to follow.

Other Items:
It was suggested we speak with Howard Lowe, as the north country’s rep on the state’s Broadband Initiative. LJP to contact.

Kevin Lynch inquired where SLC was with NY Alert. LJP to ask Mike Wassis.

04-24-08 Meeting Minutes

Information and Technology Meeting
April 24, 2008

Members present: Francine Perretta, Greg Stahl, Carrie Tuttle, Patrick Turbet, Phil Deleel, Jennifer French, Jon Montan

Minutes approved. Motion by Greg seconded by Phil.
Greg Stahl gave an update on what’s going on at SLU:

  • SLU is rolling out all new computers in June and July. They have leased 1600 Dell’s with Vista. They do this every 3-4 years. The old computers are removed by a company who meets EPA regulations for disposal of hazardous waste.
  • There was a discussion about the possibility of rebuilding PC’s and giving them to disadvantaged families. There were a number of issues discussed such as PC’s with no software or issues if they break down. Possibility of using high school classes to rebuilds PC’s. St. Lawrence Central has such a program.
  • SLU is deploying more wireless out this summer. They will have the whole campus wireless by next summer.
  • A new voice mail system is being mobilized on May 12th.
  • New students can purchase PC’a through bookstore and they will be set up for them when they arrive on campus
  • There are a number of challenges
    o Network storage is never enough
    o Getting students to use secure wireless

Subcommittee reports:

G-1 Strategic Planning: Carrie reported about the workshop invitation letter. The workshop is set for May 22 at Barben Hall at Clarkson. A detailed list of stakeholders was attached to the minutes. The letter will also include a paragraph about the mission of the committee. County will mail out the letter when it is finalized. Chamber will assist with business participants. Committee members will get assignments for that day.

G-2 Access Map: Jon reported that the survey is done at the end of April. We have had 400 paper responses and possibly 1500-2000 overall responses to date. We should have results to look at in May.

G-3 Grant Funding: no report

G-4: SLC Government Projects: Francine reported that phone system was delayed for 1 week but everyone has been trained and phones are on desks. The website RFP’s are in and interviews conducted. Recommendation will be made to BOL on May12th. WAN RFP are in and final approval to finance on 4/28. IT position will be discussed by BOL on 4/28/08.

Old Business:

  • 315 area code needs further discussion

New Business:

  • Pat discussed the possibility of a shared services grant for IT services with towns and villages. Everyone thought this was a good idea.
  • Pat attended a health care planning meeting at Fort Drum to discuss mental health impacts. They discussed telepsychiatry.

Next meeting is May 22 at the planning day. The next meeting after that is June 26th. Location to be decided.

Submitted by:
Francine Perretta

Friday, March 28, 2008

April Meeting Announcement

Full IT Committee to Meet

When: Thursday, April 24th, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Where: Monaco Conference Room (room 242) in the student center, St. Lawrence University, Canton
Host: Greg Stahl of SLU – he has invited SLU’s Co-CIO to say a few words about the technology challenges they face
Meeting Chair: Francine Perretta

03-27-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
March 27, 2008, 2:00 pm
Location: Claxton Hepburn Hospital, Ogdensburg, NY

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

1. Phil Deleel called meeting to order at 2:05 pm.
2. Marc Rousch made a motion, seconded by Greg Stahl, to accept meeting minutes from the 2/28/08 meeting. Motion passed.
3. Mark Webster, CEO of Claxton Hepburn joined the meeting. The group made brief introductions. Mr. Webster provided a discussion on his perspective of technology issues at the hospital. He gave a brief outline of how the healthcare industry works and some of the challenges for implementing the new technology.
· Healthcare is a growing industry. Hospitals function on very tight margins. As a regulated entity, they can’t control pricing. As a non-profit, they are required to serve the public (even uninsured). Hospitals in NYS are ranked in the bottom 2 for profitability among all 50 states.
· Healthcare is a big user of technology. In the last 10 years, technology has reached into the clinical side of healthcare.
· One challenge for adopting new technology has to do with the dichotomy of interests among the hospital’s potential user group. More senior doctors are resistant to new technology, while newer doctors demand more advanced technologies.
· Another challenge for investing in new technology is that it is hard to identify a ROI. When investments in IT compete with other capital investments, it is difficult to prove that the technology will drive the bottom line.
· Claxton Hepburn has 849 employees, and a $42m annual payroll.
· The committee thanked Mr. Webster for sharing his time and insights.

4. Subcommittee Report:
Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage – Laura provided a report on the subcommittee’s progress to date. The subcommittee (C Tuttle, K Lynch & L Perry (P Wagschal-absent)) met 3/17/08. The subcommittee reviewed the Meade County strategic plan. The group identified a need to produce a comprehensive document such as the one for Meade County, but also identified a need to move forward while such a document is being produced. In an attempt to gather data to be used for an interim plan, the subcommittee is recommending the IT Committee host a one-day work session in which representatives of the County’s stakeholders sit down to discuss what their needs are and how the county committee might serve those needs. A draft list of the stakeholders are attached to these minutes.

The following are the reactions and recommendations from members of the IT Committee:
· Overall the group gave a very positive response to the idea and the initiative.
· How many people did we anticipate? Ans. 30-50.
· Recommendation to gather a diverse group of stakeholders – both across disciplines and geography. Definitely should try to include representation from as many Towns as possible.
· Question of whether we should host more than one session – so to best include the broad spectrum of needs due to the geographic size of our County.
· Recommendation for the invitation to include a description of what our expectations are for them. This is to maximize the productivity of this one day session. We should encourage them to think about what we are going to ask of them for input and information during the session. By giving invitees this heads up, they may do a little fact finding in their own organizations prior to attending the session and bring that information with them to the meeting.
· Other thoughts on the content of the day:
Morning session should include:
· a brief overview of the IT Committee, including the value of the committee, examples of successful projects, and the potential role it can play in the County
· 15-20 min discussion on successful examples of IT in society - the goal is to help people think about what is possible if needs are addressed
· possibly provide an opportunity for groups or stakeholders that want to share their story with the entire group – in terms of sharing what their accomplishments are and what their needs are, example provided was to invite Tom Coakley of the Canton Initiative to talk about its accomplishments and challenges.
· Folks were open to scheduling the day on May 22, at CU Barben Rooms, with the idea that members of the committee would participate in the session and wouldn’t need to give up a second day that month.

Laura promised to take these suggestions back to the subcommittee and work to come to some resolutions on the suggestions. Also, the subcommittee will ask for help with putting the invite list together. More to come on email.

G2 - Broadband Access Map to Establish Baselines and Target Areas – J Montan provided a brief report on the status of the survey. He received a sample data dump from the Allen Tunnel group to ensure that he is able to use it for the mapping effort. He has not heard from the Chelse Snyder, the Youth Bureau’s intern who is receiving and entering data from the paper surveys. He hasn’t heard a survey count from Allen Tunnel either. The group briefly shared experiences with distributing and sharing the survey. Laura mentioned that she planned to do a second round of press releases and touch base with distribution locations. She also mentioned that she had an interview scheduled with Craig Freleigh at the North Country This Week for an article.

G3 – Laura mentioned the announcement of the grant funding announcement for the project in Newtown Falls. She thanked Jon Montan and Heidi Ames for their role in this process, and will be looking forward to discussions with the partners to close the $25K funding gap.

G4 – SLC Government Technology Projects – M Cunningham gave an update on the status of the County many technology projects currently under way:
New telephone system – some new handsets have been placed on desks with intercom working, Court House scheduled to go live later in April.
Website RFP – is on the street, with responses due back April 10. Return deadline was postponed after some changes were made by dataprocessing.
WAN RFP – is on the street, pre-bid conference was successful, with very few question. Fairly straight forward service requested.
New IT Director Position job desc – Mike thanked folks for making submissions. He said he would take any other input as it comes in, summarize our recommendations and forward to Karen early in April.

New Business –
Laura asked the group to consider a recent announcement by the NYS PSC to take public comment on assigning a new area code. She shared a brief review of the situation and asked whether or not the committee felt it had a role to play in this issue or if it was interested in learning more at a meeting in the future. The thought was to invite someone to come and talk with the committee about the issues involved.
There were mixed reactions to this suggestion. The group decided to watch as the situation progresses. As of 3/24, the public comment period had been suspended because of a court action. It was agreed that we may want to revisit this next month as news progresses.

Next Meeting will be Thursday, April 24th at St. Lawrence University in Canton. Francine Perretta will chair the meeting, and Greg Stahl will host. (Note the date & location previously noted on minutes & agenda was incorrect).

Action Items
· Strategic planning committee to discuss reactions from the full IT Committee, develop invite list and continue planning
· Continue Survey Public Relations
· Members to distribute information about surveys.
· Newton Falls Grant Team to discuss next steps.

List of possible stakeholders for our work session. 3/18/07

1) Local Government
- Town/Village Clerks
- Assessors
- Planning Board members
- County Government
- Libraries
2) Higher Education

3) K-12 Education

3) Business & Agriculture
- Chamber of Commerce
- Small Business Reps
- Manufacturing
- Agriculture

4) Healthcare (Hospitals and Medical Providers)

5) Tourism Recreation & Parks

6) Residential

7) Community Based Organizations
- 501C’s (Can we get a list of these in SLC from the County?)

8) Broadband Providers

9) Libraries

Friday, March 21, 2008

02-28-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
February 28, 2008, 2:00 pm
Location: OBPA, Ogdensburg, NY

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

1. Subcommittee’s to meet - As a result of light attendance, the group decided to forgo the time allotted for subcommittee’s to meet to work on their individual efforts, and we continued with the meeting as a full committee.

2. Full Committee to convene – Committee welcomed John Rische (in Wade Davis’ absence) of the OBPA and thanked him for hosting the meeting.

3. It was mentioned that meeting minutes from the 1/24/08 meeting had been prepared and posted to the blog. No comments or changes noted.

4. Project Reports/Old Business

a. Mapping/Survey
· Laura announced that the Internet Availability survey would launch March 3, 2008. She provided hard copies of the flyer to be used to advertise the survey, along with hard copies of the survey and postage paid envelopes. She described the survey’s distribution channels, media, libraries and County DMV’s. Committee members present offered to take the surveys back to their employers and organizations for distribution. Laura will distribute an email to all committee members containing electronic copies of the survey and supporting documents.
· Jon Montan agreed to periodically check on the status of survey results as it is received on-line, and provide an interim report of progress.
· John Rische suggested that the survey be distributed at the Ogdensburg Expo. Laura agreed to contact Pattie Ritchie to inquire if this is possible.

b. Newton Falls Broadband Grant
· Laura reported that the Planning Office was waiting to hear whether the project was funded.
· Laura also informed the committee that she had provided a letter of support as chair of the IT Committee for WavHost’s application to the Universal Access Grant program.
c. Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
· Carrie Tuttle shared reported reviewing materials from the Connect Kentucky website. She shared copies of the 2007 Progress Report, Best Practices Resource Guide, as well as Meade County’s Strategic Technology Plan. She offered these as a possible model for our group to consider as it prepares a strategic plan for its efforts. The group was receptive to this idea, agreeing that much of the work already completed by Meade County and others closely reflect the work we’d like to accomplish. The full committee agreed that this was a good start and to consider further how we might utilize this in our efforts.
· A question was raised about how the committee should engage the private providers? It was observed that providers were not present at this meeting, and their participation seems to be falling off. There was recognition that their role with the committee’s efforts is somewhat unclear. It was mentioned that their on-going participation is critical to the future success of the committee’s efforts. At what level, and how they participate, in the committee’s operations is an item to be considered as we move through the strategic planning process.

d. SLC Government Technology Projects
· Francine Perretta asked committee members for input regarding the new IT Director position. Committee members had received via email sample job descriptions from other Counties.
· Francine noted that subcommittee would meet to review the materials and take the best from the several job descriptions for review at next month’s meeting.

5. New Business
· The full committee discussed the need to revisit the attendance expectations for members of the committee. It was noted that it is difficult to make progress when a lot of time is spent reviewing information for members who are frequently absent. It was the consensus of the group that Laura should send a message to the full committee asking for members to confirm their desire to be members of the committee and to ask for more regular attendance.
· In Laura’s upcoming absence, committee members were asked to volunteer to chair the next few meetings. Chairing the committee involves preparing and distributing the agenda, preparing meeting minutes, and running the meeting discussion. Phil Deleel volunteered to chair the March 27th meeting, Francine agreed to chair the April 24th meeting, the May meeting is TBA.

6. Action Items

· Strategic planning committee will meet to review sample plans.

· SLC Gov Tec subcommittee to meet to review IT Director descriptions.

· Members to distribute information about surveys.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Take Our Survey!

All households in St. Lawrence County are asked to participate in a brief, confidential survey that will gather data on the availability of high speed Internet services like DSL, cable modem, and wireless service to residential households. The survey, sponsored by the County’s legislative committee on Information Technology, will result in a map depicting areas throughout the County that are and are not served by high speed Internet service.

Surveys are available on the web at

For more complete information about this project, read the following:

"Input Sought from St. Lawrence County Households Committee seeks high speed Internet availability information"

Canton, NY, March 3, 2008: Households in St. Lawrence County are asked to participate in a brief, confidential survey that will gather data on the availability of high speed Internet services like DSL, cable modem, and wireless service to residential households. The survey, sponsored by the County’s legislative committee on Information Technology, will result in a map depicting areas throughout the County that are and are not served by high speed Internet service.

Modeled after similar projects in Kentucky, survey results will produce a map designed to fill a gap in data that currently exists. Neither the Federal Communications Commission nor the New York State Public Service Commission reports service availability beyond the zip code level. Drawbacks are that large segments of the community are unrepresented when it comes to accurately reporting service availability. The committee seeks to report service availability to the street address level and is asking for household participation from every corner of the County.

Matched with population data, the map will then be used to identify areas of greatest need for public and private investment to improve service availability. “This survey will create a baseline that will help us determine service availability with a level of accuracy we’ve never had access to before,” shares committee chair and legislator Laura Perry. “The committee suspects there is pent up demand from households throughout St. Lawrence County interested in subscribing to a high speed Internet service but can’t because it isn’t available or it’s too costly. This survey offers an opportunity for those folks to get involved in the process.” Individual survey data will remain confidential. Results will be reported by street address in map format, and in aggregate.

Survey Deadline: April 30, 2008

· Surveys are available on the web at
· Paper copies are available at any NYS Dept of Motor Vehicle Office or local library in St. Lawrence County.

Return completed paper survey:
by mail to County Clerk’s Office, 48 Court St., Canton, NY 13617 (postage paid envelopes available at any pick up site)
by fax to 315-379-2302
by person at any NYS Dept of Motor Vehicle Office or local library in St. Lawrence County.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Input on Job Description for IT Director

At our last meeting I was asked to distribute some information regarding the job description for a possible IT Director position for St. Lawrence County Government. The information I have enclosed includes some background information on the Central Services Department and some sample job descriptions that other municipalities have utilized. Please note that the sample job descriptions are not specific to St. Lawrence County.

We are looking for members of the IT Advisory Committee to provide some input regarding the job description. In particular, items that you feel should be included in the job description that are not outlined in any of the examples. This information will be shared with the Personnel Department, and will be utilized in the creation of the Job Description for the position.

Since it is the intent to have a discussion with the Board of Legislators soon on this topic, your input would be appreciated by March 5, 2008 if possible.


Mike Cunningham

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

01-24-08 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
January 24, 2008, 2:00 pm
Location: Canton Public Safety Bldg

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

1. Completed introductions of new participants (Wade Davis/OBPA, and Patricia McKeown/SLC Chamber of Commerce)

2. Reviewed Meeting Minutes – No comments or changes noted

3. Project Reports/Old Business

a. Mapping/Survey

· Work is continuing to setup up linkage to Real Property tax site so information can be obtained electronically and tracked back to TM#s. Some information has already been collected through this site, even though public announcement has not been made regarding site. Laura has developed marketing plan for survey which will include distribution of survey through North Country libraries, SeaComm FCU, Chamber, county employers, etc.

b. Newton Falls Broadband Grant

· Laura provided an update on Newton Falls Paper Mill (Mill) universal access broadband grant application which would secure funding for DANC to build out fiber from Star Lake to the Mill.

- Laura presented a draft letter of support on behalf of the SLC IT Committee for the proposed project.
- Grant application is due next week. Details are being finalized this week and application will be submitted on time.
- DANC has been asked to help find service providers to utilize fiber, should grant be successful.
- Grant assumes that 100% reimbursement will be provided to construct fiber to the Mill.
- Grant requires 1 to 1 matching contribution.
- The exact cost has not yet been finalized but is estimated at approximately $200k
- Grant will be awarded toward end of February.
- Project is estimated by DANC to take approximately 120 days from contract signing to complete.
- Public Service Commission complaint was filed by Mill after last SLC Committee meeting.

c. Organizational Structure of IT Committee & Subcommittees

· Group reiterated need to establish subcommittees.
· Discussion regarding need for “working” subcommittee meetings on day of IT Committee meetings; possibly before main meeting. Subcommittees could report in to main committee.
· The following subcommittees were selected and some members volunteered:
a. Fiber Mapping (and survey) Subcommittee
- Jon, Laura, and Pat volunteered
b. Internal County IT Issue Subcommittee (website, phone system, and other County issue)
- Francine, Mike and Phil volunteered
c. Grant Exploration Subcommittee
- Laura, Pat and Wade volunteered
d. Strategic Implementation Plan for expanding broadband access
- Kevin and Carrie volunteered

4. New Business

· Pat McKeown from the St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce requested assistance from IT Committee in determining how to utilize $196k broadband grant that the Chamber will be administering.

· Wade Davis discussed need for fiber crossing on Ogdensburg CA bridge to assist industrial park customers that have businesses on both sides of the border as possible usage for Chamber funds.

· Discussion about need for provider representation level at committee. Committee still has questions about level on participation needed.

· Kevin emphasized need to coordinate w/ surrounding agencies and Counties to understand their broadband service area.

5. Action Items

· Committee members requested to sign up for subcommittees (or be volunteered).

· Laura and Carrie will meet to reissue subcommittee information.

· Internal County Subcommittee will discuss restructuring Central Services at County level which may lead to new IT Director position.

· Laura to develop meeting schedule list for year. Group elected to rotate meetings to different locations.
St. Lawrence County IT Committee
2008 Meeting Schedule

January 24, 2 pm – 4 pm @ 2nd Fl Conf Rm, Public Safety Bldg, Canton

February 28, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Ogdensburg Bridge & Port Authority, Ogd.

March 27, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Claxton Hepburn Hospital, Ogd.

April 24, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA

May 22, 2 pm – 4 pm @ Clarkson University, Potsdam

June 19*, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA
*3rd Thurs.

July 24, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA

August 28, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA

September 25, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA

October 23, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA

November 20*, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA
*3rd Thurs.

December 18*, 2 pm – 4 pm @ TBA
*3rd Thurs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Meeting Agenda 01_24_08

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda
1/24/08, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
2nd Floor Conference Rm, Public Safety Building, Canton, NY

1) Welcome New Committee Members & Meeting Attendees

2) Review/accept minutes from 12/20/07 meeting.

3) Committee Organization for 2008:
Meeting times/date/format
2008 Goals

4) Project Reports:
SLC IT Work Plan –Review status & updates
1. Develop Strategic Plan for Universal Broadband Coverage
2. Develop Plan for awarding $200k Broadband Grant
3. Create Broadband Access Map to Establish Baseline & Target Areas
Report on status of garnering info from random addresses
Report on Survey of SLC Residents for availability of telecom services (Laura)
4. Explore other Grant Funding for Broadband Initiatives
a. RD Grant
b. NEW! NYS Universal Broadband Initiative
5. Assist County Website Committee with Re-Design
6. Assist County Telephone System Committee
7. Evaluate Webcasting for County Meetings

Old Business:
Service issues at Newton Falls Paper Mill
(J Demart, R Fountain, L Perry)

Application to NYS Universal Broadband Access Grant

New Business:

Questions & Discussion

Action Items for Next Meeting

Next Meeting: Date, Time, Location TBA

12-20-07 Meeting Minutes

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
December 20, 2007 2:00 pm
Location: Newtown Falls Fine Paper Company

Meeting Minutes

Present: Sign in sheet handed out (Laura Perry has on file)

1. Completed introductions of Plant staff and committee members

2. Reviewed Meeting Minutes – No comments of changes noted

3. Joe DeMart provided an overview of plant’s history, goals and technological hurdles:
· 7 years ago plant was “shuttered”; left trained workforce and significant assets intact
· Restarted 115 year old Plant in 2/07
· 97 new jobs will have been created by the end of August 2007
· 200 tons of paper produced per day
· Performance is exceeding expectations and paper quality is “surprising everyone”
· Plant owns 4300 acres of wood basket
· Goal is to startup #3 paper machine which will create more jobs and bring work force to 120
· Transport – lack of railroad is not an issue; 16 trucks are in and out of Plant per day
· Cost of fuel is an issue of concern and Plant is beginning to explore options for utilizing biomass. Boiler is not presently suited for alternative fuel.
· $2.6 MM capital plan for next year includes some clean up of roadside. Plant has $800k allotment for telecom infrastructure including software and automated controls
· 340 vendors; 60% within 100 miles of Plant
· $200-$300k per month spent with these vendors
Technology Issues
· Reliability issues with voice and datafax; 1 of 2 T1 lines have never worked
· Telecom and Cat-5 infrastructure within the Plant is not an issue; production system is managed through some wireless and would like to pilot Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology
· Verizon has been unresponsive to addressing problem. Plant has written letters but not filed PSC incidents
· Verizon was supposed to put 2 new line sections in today (12/20) and switch over to them which they say will correct the issue. Others say problem won’t be corrected until bundle is replaced between Star Lake and Plant. Verizon gave Plant quote of $192k to replace T1 line replacement of copper.
· Survey of line performed by DANC indicates that more than single section of line will need to be replaced to correct issue.
· Reliable, redundant, robust telecommunication and data system for Plant
· Without it employees can’t do distance learning, order losses will continue, overall business negatively impacted
· Would like to explore call center/partnering and/or other broader opportunities to share secondary system with community

4. Project Reports
Discussion around utilizing Newton Falls as pilot project for rolling out universal broadband; structure grant application general enough to incorporate as many local areas (Star Lake, Cranberry Lake, etc. ) as possible; Laura will work on grant and pull in other committee resources as needed. Grant has expedited timeline.
Jon Montan handed out link to map
Other updates tabled due to time

5. Comments from the Chair
Laura mentioned that County Legislature is formalizing committee
Laura asked for suggestions on meeting format, etc. for the next year and mentioned that she would be needing some additional help leading meetings, etc. as she is expecting in the Spring

6. Organization
Tabled due to time