Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meeting Minutes 11/19/09

St. Lawrence County
Information Technology Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes
2 – 4 p.m.

Newton Falls Grant Update—Laura updated the committee on the status of the Newton Falls Grant indicating that the RFP went through with revisions. The grant will need to be finalized by the appropriate groups.

Mapping Update—Laura reviewed the progress of the mapping project. Laura indicated that there will need to be discussion on the set up structure of mapping project. Laura scheduled and provided a set up meeting with the School Superintendent with discussion on how they can help committee with the best means for collection of data for broadband coverage.

Letter to local officials—Laura indicated that a letter did go out to the local officials and the committee is getting positive feedback from the officials. The committee had discussion on what the local officials would have to offer and on how to get the broadband information and processing out to the community.

SLC IT Blog—Laura informed the committee that people are making non receptive posts to the website and is removing everybody besides herself as an author. If anyone has a desire to post any information, please contact Laura.

BTOP/BIP Stimulus Update---
BTOP—Kevin Lynch updated the committee on the BTOP stimulus. Kevin indicated that they were supposed to make the announcement on Nov 7th but was moved to mid-December. BTOP proposals were to be submitted to the NCIA. The NCIA was believed to do the screening but went to the State for scoring. NYS have six scoring principals which is dissimilar than the NCIA. NYS already reviewed and ranked the proposals. It is now back to NCIA who will then announce the ranking in mid-December.

BIP—They have made the second round. One of 18 national that made the second round.

IT Symposium—Laura briefly reviewed the handout for the symposium. It was discussed to put down on paper of time what, where, when, and who of the symposium. There is concern is at this point that it increases the scale to get everybody on board. Wondering how we should proceed at this point if no funds are available. What the committee could set up if funding is not going to be available. Committee discussed in detail the how to obtain the interest and financial backing from businesses and have vendors pay a reasonable registration fee.

If committee members know if anybody interested please contact Laura. Committee gave suggestions and concerns of input for the symposium.

The committee further discussed the Innovative Technology Award to include setting up a criterion for submission of the applicant. May – June a tentative date.

2009 Year in Review for SLC IT Committee-- Laura wanted to discuss committee membership. Laura would like the committee to look at suggestions for layout plan for 2010 and formalize structure of the committee. Part of the plan for 2010 is to be formally appointed by the chair of the board so the committee will be able to move on indefinitely. If anybody is interested fill out bio-data sheet.

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