Thursday, February 16, 2012

1/19/2012 Meeting Minutes

20120119 Meeting notes.

Meeting called to order 3:03PM

Organizational meeting.

No featured guest.

Election of board officers.

We are still short a couple of members. Reappointments have not happened as quickly as we had hoped. We’re hopping to have four additions.

Nomination for chair. Laura was nominated. She accepted. Elected.

Nomination for vice chair. Carrie was nominated again. Elected in absentia.

Nomination for secretary. Marc was nominated and accepted. Elected.

Marc will get a wifi access point and bring to meeting room. Phil will see if he can get an access point for the room.

Meeting schedule. Dave Wurzburg sent a note about not being able to make the current time slot. Is there a better time for everyone else? Consensus is that the current time is about as good as it gets. Meeting time stands as third thursday of the month from 3-5PM. Motion to keep meeting the same. Voted and passed. (seconded by Jeff. Missed who motioned)

What has happened with the presentations that we used to have? Would like to keep this going.

Emerging Technology. Phil, John, Kevin, Jeff.

Education. Bill Hunter, Dave Wolf, Dave Wurzburg.

NorthCountry Technology Symposium. Last month people were asked about serving as co-chair and committee levels. Laura has started work on the symposium. May 23rd, Wednesday before memorial day. New space at Clarkson that we would like to use. Instead of using lunch hour as a sit down keynote time. Start day with general session with keynote. Would like to find keynote speaker that is a headliner. Someone who has been there or is doing something in technology.  John suggested that perhaps Corning might be a consideration. After keynote use 11-1PM timeframe to have time to meet with exhibitors with snacks/food station, perhaps tables, but basically an eat and greet. Maybe something to keep people there and engaged. Exhibitors would like more time with attendees. Jill thinks two hours is a long time given number of vendors. Perhaps an hour. Jennifer and Jeff agree. Maybe around 3PM have a 20-30 minute break with snacks. Chocolate seems to be of interest. Be sure to ask Marc for chocolate recommendations. Still have networking session at end of day with bar, no need to go somewhere else. Jill thinks we need more vendors.
Have someone handle vendors that is not Laura. Dave Wurzburg will be co-chair for the symposium. 200 people came last year. Same attendance but different people. Laura thinks we had 15 vendors last year, a few more than the previous year (first year). Price was $150/table and there were tiered sponsorship. Vendors are reluctant to give up 8 hours for the show.

Last year we did 6 tracks. We should try to drop down to four tracks and focus on quality. Last year we took everyone that proposed. This year we could be more picky. Better to have higher quality, more full sessions. For those not selected perhaps they could supply a recorded presentation to be viewed by attendees on their own time. Got good feedback on the one on one consulting. Exhibitors liked this component.

We now have an intern that can help Laura out. Matt Flynn. CITEC will continue to help us. County money will be used for this and for advertising.  Jill will speak with the newspaper and see about doing an ad trade with us.

Tracks have not been defined yet. One task group would be keynote group. Laura handed out the presentation list from last year. Ask presenters to let us know who they think they are presenting to, technical, retail, consumer, that sort of thing. We do have a video clip from last year to use to give potential presenters an idea of what they are getting into.

Jill pointed out that she does not think we did a good job of getting into Jefferson County. She never heard of what we are doing.

Symposium committees:
Steering committee: Jennifer, Jeff, Phil, Carrie, Kevin. Steering comm. will flesh out the committees below.
Review of presentations:
Exhibitor management:

Spirit Awards. Should we do them again? Laura likes the idea. Did not get a lot of positive feedback. Marc suggested we just try a new approach. During the March meeting we will make a selection, if there is going to be one, of an awardee. Board will just decide internally if the see fit.

Nothing booked for February for emerging technologies. Not too late to do yet. Ideas. Wireless, 802.11n. Point to point. Multi-point. Securing access points and the different ways to do that. How do you do a wireless survey. Do you need one. Demands on wireless. Consider Cisco, ST. Lawrence. University. Phil is going to put this together. February 15th, 3-5PM.

Short discussion about making sure that these sessions are not just vendor sales pitches but present several sides.

Tablet computing was also suggested as a topic.
Outsourcing or insourcing idea from last month seems better suited to a panel discussion.

Marc suggested video archives of the emerging tech meetings. May be issues with how people act when taped. Implications of publicly having this available.

Stump the chump at the symposium perhaps.

Meeting adjourned 4:30PM.

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