Monday, June 18, 2007

Preparation for meeting on 6/28

I thought it would be helpful to pass along to committee members the questions that were included in the invitation letter to Mr. Robert Juravich of DANC. Certainly, if you have any additional questions you'd like to pose, please pass them on. If you'd like to share your thoughts here - please do so. -Laura

The Committee discussed a possible meeting with you at its’ last meeting
and is interested in learning the

a. What is DANC’s
plan to improve broadband access (price and availability) to
residential and
commercial markets in the rural portions of St. Lawrence
b. Does DANC have programs (or plans)
which will re-invest revenues DANC
generates from the BOCES contract and
other County customers back into the underserved portions of the County.
It is hoped that such programs would reduce the cost of access to the DANC
network in order to encourage private sector development in the County.

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