Tuesday, July 28, 2009

06_25_09 Meeting Minutes

IT Committee Meeting Minutes

June 25, 2009

2:00 p.m.

1.         Review/accept minutes from 05/28/09 meeting.
The committee made no changes to the 5/28/09 minutes

2.         Stimulus—

A.  Funding/RFP Status
Reviewed website in regards to the terms where they are at with the State, Federal and Individual levels for the stimulus funding.  Any possible funding for the IT office would be at the state level.  The State big emphasis is public safety matter.  Looking to local communities to get in on the project to include counties.  Rob is waiting for direction from the state.

      B. Project Status
Updated links on the State releasing a plan for broadband access for affordable universal broadband access.  SLC & SLC chamber received letters from the state office indicating that our original submission to include 48 communities.  Chamber had submitted and received preliminary okay.

Dan from RidgeviewTel updated the committee on the Broadband Service Grant application for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.  Dan handed out a four page summary of the proposal with limited changes.  There is general support from the committee to expand access to affordable broadband access.  IT Committee to produce a letter that states more general on our policy.  To post on the website for other providers to access. 

3.         Tech Symposium—

Kevin reviewed the event at Clarkson—outreach effort from committee to put together a conference similar to the Technical Symposium.  A possible local technology conference for businesses.  To show awareness of support of technology in the North Country.  Clarkson is holding a separate conference in September.  The committee discussed the possibility of holding a conference after the local government conference held at SUNY Postdam to include local county participants.  Possible partner event—check with Jason Pfotenhauer how to set it up.  One scenario suggested is the conference ends at 3:30 and the facility is available after that time—look to try to capture some of the folks to stay for an evening session.  The conference is scheduled for Tuesday, October 13, 2009. 

4. Old/New Business
Updates on 2009 Work Plan Items
The committee further discussed the 10 minute presentation to include setting up a sub committee to work on presentation to flush out any issues.  Also, discussion in regards to the Tech Provider Directory List to have some process in place to keep the information up-to-date. 

Casino Compact Funding—committee is designated $10,000 for 2009 spending plan---put under title of strategic planning—projects focus on Economic Development which is mandated.  Empire state development still has funding and needs to come up with a plan—
could utilize monies for events such as symposium.  With the stimulus coming out and county having more money the committee will need to reprogram some of the monies.

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