Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Re: support ltr for RidgeviewTel

Hi Laura,
I agree that the committee should support Ridgeview Tels efforts and that the letter should be signed by the chair as submitted.


Sent from Greg's iPhone

On Jul 7, 2009, at 9:15 PM, "Laura Perry" <laurap@slic.com> wrote:

Dear Committee Members:  Ridgeview Tel is requesting St. Lawrence County submit a letter of support of their application of ARRA funding from the NTIA.  Dan Churchill has indicated they will be submitting their application on or near 7/14.  He has provided an executive summary of the application, along with a sample support letter which I have attached to this email for your review.


I believe it is in SLC's best interest to support Ridgeview Tel's efforts, along with other interested businesses, to seek these funds.  I propose the IT Committee recommend that the Chair of the Board of Legislators sign the attached letter.  Given the timing of the request, is it the will of the committee to proceed as proposed?  Please let me know by Friday.



Laura J Perry



28 Cassidy Rd.

Parishville, NY 13672


V - (315) 265-4233

C - (315) 267-6857

F - (775) 261-9009

E - laurap@slic.com

IM - LauraSlic





<DANC RidgeviewTel Exececutive Summmary (2).docx>

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